David Platt

Random Thoughts

The NBA’s Washington Wizards have won two games in a row. I thought I’d mention that here because it happens so infrequently. Following sports would be easier if they weren’t my favorite team. Sigh. Rick Santorum is now officially out of the race. It was interesting while it lasted. He was like a crankier version […]

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Odds and Ends

Dear Reader:  If you read this recently you might have noticed that some distracting words in blue were added to the text.  I was hacked.  Moving on… President Obama had some interesting things to say during his State of the Union Address.  I like the themes of cleaner energy, improved education, and more jobs.  Though

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2010: The Year in Review

Presidential Politics:  It has been an up and down year for President Obama.  Here are a few snapshots–Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was repealed, and major health care reform was created, both of which were pleasing to his liberal base.  On the other hand, in his words Democrats received a “shellacking” in the November Elections when

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