Dear Reader: If you read this recently you might have noticed that some distracting words in blue were added to the text. I was hacked. Moving on…
President Obama had some interesting things to say during his State of the Union Address. I like the themes of cleaner energy, improved education, and more jobs. Though when he talks about “investments” I do start to reminisce. I can’t help but think about George Stephanopoulos when he worked for Bill Clinton’s Administration. I remember Stephanopoulos saying that if they did not bring in enough revenue for their programs, the government would have to look for “broader-based contributions.” We can call it “investments” or “contributions” but by any other name it still sounds like “tax increase” to me. If it’s the right thing to do, just say so. If not…
I love Tim Downs’ new book, Finding Common Ground. It talks about how Christians have been so concerned with converting people that we’ve lost our ability to relate to them. Because Christians have neglected the work of planting seeds, increasingly there is little there for the harvest. This book is having at least as big of an impact on me as Radical by David Platt, and an even bigger impact on me than Crazy Love by Francis Chan (which I still thought was a really good book).
Speaking of new books, I’ve got one called Ask the Professor: Advice for College Grads. It’s full of humorous yet practical advice, and it has a bunch of interviews. For your reading pleasure, the book contains insights from college presidents, pastors, recent grads, and professors (including the great novelist Paul J. Willis). So far, it’s available through Amazon and me.
Okay, I’ve covered every category that I write about except for Sci-Fi. Let’s see, I’ve written a Sci-Fi novel (seriously). I’m just looking for a publisher…or an agent…or a clue.