
“Stupid Voters”

Brace yourselves–the insults are coming. A lot of people, who really care about politics and have taken the time to think through the issues, struggle with believing that well-meaning, smart people disagree with them.  Consequently, many clever–yet insulting–theories get cooked up regarding why elections turn out the way they do. Conservatives and liberals alike suffer

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Two Unrelated Things

I couldn’t really come up with one strong idea to write about this time, so I’m going with two, half-formulated thoughts on politics and the movie “Avatar.” One, this huge oil spill will help President Obama with his base supporters.  I was pretty surprised when he expressed some openness to drilling for oil.  He hadn’t

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Health Care Aftermath

So what are the results of the health care fight?  As far as its impact on the nation’s medical and fiscal health, time will tell.  Politically speaking… President Obama can claim credit for making good on a big campaign promise. Democrats have energized their liberal base. Republicans have energized their conservative base. Republican lawsuits through

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Liberal and Conservative Arrogance

I read multiple articles in the Washington Post recently where writers sought to examine an alleged problem among liberals.  These writers pointed out that some influential liberals have a tendency to dismiss conservative ideas because these liberals assume that conservative thought has no validity.  Thus, the argument goes, whenever anyone is advocating a conservative cause

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