Rick Perry

GOP 2012–Quitters and Winners

So a couple of men have dropped out of the race for the Republican nomination, simplifying things for the voters.  Who quit? Who benefits? John Huntsman dropped out, so who does that help? Well, he was the token liberal (by Republican standards), so the man who stands to benefit would be the one perceived as […]

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Iowa 2012–What Does it Mean?

So the results are in from the Republican caucuses in Iowa. Who won? Who lost? I guess one could spin Mitt Romney’s squeaker of a victory either way. He beat Rick Santorum, a guy who was buried in the polls for months, by just 8 votes. One could argue that a significant percentage of Republicans

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The Herman Cain Situation

There are several things that have occurred to me as I have read about the allegations of sexual harassment leveled against Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain.  Some of my thoughts have been sympathetic and some…not so much. It would be tough for anyone to have to respond to the media about anything regarding unspecified accusations from

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Gifts for the Candidates

Well, it’s a little early for Christmas, and I haven’t exactly seen their wish lists, but I imagine that the candidates for the next presidential election would benefit from these suggestions. For Mitt Romney: amnesia medicine.  He could give it out to all the conservative evangelical Republican voters who are uncomfortable with the idea of

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