2012 Election

2 Challenges for Both Candidates

The presidential election draws nigh, and as it does both candidates have a couple of issues to wrestle with–one religious, one secular. The religion problem for Mitt Romney is that his Latter Day Saint faith could be a turnoff for voters.  Mormons have a reputation for good morals, but there’s a lot of eyebrow-raising baggage, […]

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Peace on Earth?

What kind of world are we living in? In the category of healthy self-esteem we have a guy running for President who has allegedly compared himself to Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, and Ronald Reagan. These three ran their countries and won wars ( the Second World, the Falklands, and the Cold one, respectively). The man

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Gifts for the Candidates

Well, it’s a little early for Christmas, and I haven’t exactly seen their wish lists, but I imagine that the candidates for the next presidential election would benefit from these suggestions. For Mitt Romney: amnesia medicine.  He could give it out to all the conservative evangelical Republican voters who are uncomfortable with the idea of

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