A Variety of Thoughts

A variety of thoughts on the variety of things I think about it…

Here’s why people get unhappy with our national politicians: When we listen to them it’s because we’re hoping they will offer solutions to the problems we’re facing. But when they talk to us, they’re hoping to get us to vote for them. You’d think that these 2 agendas wouldn’t conflict with each other, but  many times they do.

Perhaps you read about the alleged pastor who went out to dinner with a big group. An 18% tip was calculated on his bill, and he wrote over it something like “Why should I give you 18% when God only asks for 10%?” Okay, one of my problems with the alleged pastor is that he is comparing an apple and an orange. A tithe would be 10% of all we possess, the server was only hoping for 18% of the guy’s dinner price. I tried to come up with an analogy for this, but it’s possible that it’s so goofy that no such analogy exists in nature. For the record: I know a lot of Christians who are quite generous with their tips, their time, and their talents. A lot of Christians are nice people; don’t let the anomalies fool you.

I miss the NFL.

I am excited about contributing a short story to an anthology called Four. Four longish stories going in pretty different directions by four writers. I felt very pleased to bring in the other three writers–they are quite talented. Look for an April-June release. It’ll be available through Amazon and for Kindle. My story is a murder mystery set inside Protomet in Oak Ridge, TN. More details to come.

Hey, college and high school students: Sleep more. You’ll eat healthier, feel better about yourself, and stay more focused in class. What’s not to like in that scenario?

So, what random thoughts are YOU thinking?