Note to Readers: There was another addition to the “What’s New” section on June 9.
Barack Obama has made history as the first African American candidate to represent a major political party in a presidential general election. Even if he were to call a news conference today and announce, “I’ve decided to forget the presidency—I’m going to content myself with a fulfilling career in the senate,” he’d still be remembered in American history books a hundred years from now. If he were to retire today, he’d be less significant, arguably, than Martin Luther King, Jr., but more significant than Jesse Jackson or someone from history like Crispus Attucks. Obama will be a role model for minorities perhaps until the end of time. He has done something truly amazing.
Whatever his association was with influence peddler Tony Rezko, it probably won’t hurt him. I believe that by Election Day in November most voters won’t know or really care who Rezko is, and they won’t have a clear understanding of exactly what is meant by “influence peddling.” Finally, they won’t understand how or why this matter should affect their perception of Obama.
Two things most Americans do understand and care about to at least some degree are church-related things and race relations, and these issues might prove a little sticky for the
I agree with those who say it is not fair to blame Obama for all the things said by those who have chosen to support him. There are a lot of peculiar people out there who are going to vote on both sides. Things will be said that will make either candidate cringe. But here is the problem for Senator Obama: his church—that he has just recently announced he was leaving—was comfortable with hearing extreme things from the pulpit. For as alarming as the video of Pfelger’s diatribe was, it was almost as alarming to watch how much the congregation enjoyed it. A sizable chunk of that congregation seemed to believe that Hillary Clinton had a sense of entitlement because she was white, and they believed that white
Obama’s amazing success demonstrates that
Some might say that Obama’s choice in churches is irrelevant to his ability to be President, but I disagree for two reasons. If John McCain’s pastor said a woman’s place was in the kitchen, not the office; there would be a firestorm. People would want to know why McCain went to a sexist church. People would wonder if McCain was going there because he agreed with the message. Two, because Obama’s legislative record is not as well developed as a more experienced candidate’s would be, people have to look other places to gain insight into his judgment.
Why did Obama stay at his church for so long? Was he hoping to change the culture of the church with the story of his life? That would have been a nice answer.